Stop doubting. Lighten up.
Become obsessed with your life.
Life? It’s fine.
Work is okay. It’s probably not what you’re really meant to be doing but it pays the bills (just about) and you don’t completely hate it…which is more than some people can say. Your relationships are decent. You wish you had more inspiring, meaningful friendships and a more loving connection with that special someone. But they could definitely be worse. Your lifestyle’s alright. It’s busy, obviously. But you do fun things on nights or weekends. Sometimes. And you unwind with a daily Netflix & chill sesh… even if it’s solo.You’re happy. At least kinda. Right? I mean, there are a lot of people worse off than you so you really shouldn’t be complaining.
So, yeah. Life’s fine. You’re fine. Everything’s fine. There’s just one little thing… Life’s not meant to be fine. And deep down, you know that.You know that life’s meant to be LIVED — in full, fuschia-bold color.
We only have one shot on this Earth and you want to make the most of however much time you’ve got left.
But you have no clue how to actually do that.
We all have that person we secretly want to be…
That guy or girl who does what they please, when they please…and doesn’t worry what anyone else thinks about it.
They’re always talking about cool work projects and seem truly passionate about their career or booming business.
And they have no problem speaking their minds and don’t apologize for who they are.
They’re so easy to talk to and are nice to everyone in a genuine way… which explains why they have so many friends and are so well-connected socially.
Time seems to stand still for them. They accomplish so much more with the same hours in the day you have. It’s no wonder they’re killing it at work. (And at home. And at the gym. And even on Instagram — how do they get new followers like that?)
More than that, they seem to have this inner knowing that they can handle anything, no matter what life throws at them. They don’t sweat the small stuff and always seem to be in a pretty good mood.
They just have that glow in them, like a light that shines from within.
Here’s the big shocker about that person:
They’re not unique. There are millions of them, actually, all over the world.
And their joy doesn’t come down to location or status or personality or even genetic code…
Because you’ll find these people can be old, young, fat, thin, cool, geeky, rich, poor, smart, silly, urban, country, and make up every color of the rainbow.
So what’s the secret?
The truth is, ANYONE can learn to be confident, happy, relaxed, productive, joyful, and open. You simply need to choose to.
I promise, you can live an exceptional life. Even if…The success secrets of the rich, charming, and high-vibin’
Here’s something you’ll be surprised to hear:
The messages inside almost all self-help books are the same. They’re written in spiritual ways, success ways, business ways, relationship ways…but they’re always the same.
And if you look at the world’s most successful people who are living meaningful lives they love (people like Lady Gaga, Joanna Gaines, and Tony Robbins) you’ll find the same common threads as all of the self-help books.
How do I know?
Because I’ve read over 500 self-help books (#nerdalert) and I’ve spent years studying and coaching high achievers. And I was surprised to find that all of the advice and all of the stories really comes down to a few simple-but-powerful ideas.
These simple lessons can be applied in so many ways…
To start a business or plan a career that is challenging, meaningful, and pays you more than enough money.
To have a deep, honest connection with a partner who accepts and loves you for you.
To feel more control over where your life is headed…while at the same time, being at peace with the things you can’t control.
To put yourself out there, take more risks, and feel confident in trying something different.
To trust your intuition and stop second-guessing yourself.
To do pretty much anything you want to do, no matter what your circumstances or perceived limitations…
You just need to follow this surprisingly simple wisdom.

“Having a sense of meaning and purpose is key to a thriving life. Susie Moore not only helps you discover your own purpose, but offers a practical guide to making it the driving force in your life.”
Let’s address the self-help elephant in the room…
Whenever I talk about self-help, people’s eyes start to glaze over.
They think I’m going to tell them to go vegan or chant around a cult circle or meditate for two hours a day.
HA! That couldn’t be further from the truth.
I mean, have you ever looked in the mirror and yelled out, “I’m rich! I’m hot! I’m awesome!” to trick yourself into feeling good – when you were feeling the opposite? I have … and all it did was make me feel worse.
Look, happiness doesn’t come from a rule book. It’s different for everybody. And if affirmations and meditation work for you, that’s amazing!
But personally, I’m less about green juice and mantras that don’t fit. Although I do dig those things from time to time… And more about champagne, good friends, and loving my work.
Self-help doesn’t have to be boring or stiff or weird. It can be totally normal. And light, fun, and sexy.
And a few simple lessons are really all you need to tune into your joyful, peaceful flow.
It could start with just one thing.
It doesn’t have to be big. One tiny thing can change the course of your entire life!
11 years ago, I saw a cute guy at a concert, and I walked up to him and asked if he wanted my number. I know, ballsy, right?
But that one tiny moment of courage changed the entire direction of my life…
My now-husband and I have been happily married for 9 years. He’s my best friend, my business partner, and he’s even hotter now than when we met in our 20s. (Lucky me!) His old company moved us to New York City, where every day, I’m surrounded by excitement and culture and the most amazing group of friends.
Your one tiny thing could be completely different…
You could tap into your inner, bottomless energy source to get so much more done — and out of life! — every single day.
You could learn to ask for help, to allow for more emotional stamina to fully participate in your personal life (feeling supported is bliss – once you let it in).
You could quit worrying about every little thing and know that whatever happens in life, you’re going to be okay.
How am I so confident about all this?
Well, mainly, because I’ve lived it.
I didn’t come from a charmed background. Far from it, actually. I grew up living in various women’s shelters, was at one stage a ward of the court (yep – the good old government got involved in my parenting!), and lost my dad to addiction when I was a teenager.
A lot of our clothes came from charity shops. In fact, one time I refused to take off my cardigan at school because it had my classmate’s name tag in the back. She’d donated it to the school clothing donation bin.
So I didn’t have the best start. But I always knew the life I was given was special…
When I was 15, I discovered my first self-help book, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. That’s when everything changed…
I bought into it right away, and fell in love with everything I was reading. It made so much sense to me.
Very quickly I became obsessed with personal development and read every self-help book I could get my hands on. I found myself feeling strong, more confident, and able to take risks.
I felt like I discovered some magic secret to getting more out of life!
Without even realizing it, I started building a success framework. Each new tip I learned built on the last and strengthened the system.
Over a few years and 500+ self-help books, I tested my success framework and discovered it works in just about every area of life…
It helped me bounce back from a devastating divorce, only to meet the man of my dreams 8 months later.
My success framework is what pushed me to move to New York City in my 20s, where I had no friends, no connections, and no job prospects. *gulp* It helped me make incredible new BFFs and a crazy powerful network in my favorite city on the planet.
I worked my way up the corporate ladder to become a Sales Director of a Fortune 500 company, making a cushy $500K/year income — which I don’t say to brag…but to show what you can do with NO college degree and NO industry connections, if you just have the right mental tools.
I started my coaching business as a side hustle and it quickly grew to a seven-figure company.. And I still have plenty of time for fun nights out, travel and sleep.
I started teaching my clients my success framework and they started getting amazing results, like being able to…
Kiss goodbye a toxic friendship and a year later be surrounded by an uplifting power posse
Ask for a 50% raise, and get it on the spot
Be featured in Entrepreneur.com – and be the most read story of the week!
My husband and I now run my coaching business together full-time, doing work we absolutely love while traveling the world and always making time for cocktail hour (Because YOLO).
I’ve shared my lifestyle tips, business strategy, and confidence advice in the world’s biggest media outlets, in places like:

When I look back at everything, I can’t help but laugh. Because here’s a secret: I’m not any more special than you.
I’m the first to remind people that I started with no connections, no formal education, no nothing. And I like to think that I’ve achieved a good amount! But everything good in my life came from applying the lessons I learned in those self-help books.
And YOU can do it, too.


For people who don’t want to settle for “fine”
If you look at your life and say, “Is this all there is?”…
If you wish you cared less about what people think and could start living for YOU… If you just want to enjoy yourself and RELAX rather than worrying 99% of the time…
Slay Your Year can help.
“Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment.”
– Deepak Chopra
“How can I be more happy and confident, Susie?”
So I decided to start talking about it. And I want to share the simple things I do to live joyfully, every day. Because if I can figure it out — a poor girl from England with nothing even resembling fancy-schmancy — then anyone can. That’s why I created Slay Your Year — to help you apply proven self-help principles to completely reset your life in 30 days.1
Make JOY Your Natural State (Even During the Sh*tty Times)
Know Your Self Worth, Every Minute of Every Day
Create a Life You (Really, Really) Love
Take Chances and Regret-Proof Your Life
Lighten Up, Relax, and Stop Taking Everything So Seriously

Don’t hesitate to learn from Susie – it will change your life for the better!
“You might be wondering if Susie really is as funny, insightful, and positive as she appears online. And the truth is? She’s even better.
Susie is the rare type of human who transforms every room she walks into; her confidence and exuberance are palpable. But Susie doesn’t stop at being the life of any party — she’s also an incredible life coach who has effortlessly guided me through challenging life experiences. She always seems to know the most loving, wise, and empowering thing to say to help me move past any personal issue. There’s no way you won’t feel more confident and joyful just by being in her presence!”
Here’s how we’ll slay your year together…
From loads of research, 500+ self-help books, and years as a high performance coach, I’ve distilled a success framework that’s adaptable to any aspect of life. Each lesson builds on the next — starting at the roots and growing upwards toward your limitless potential. Every week, you’ll learn new insights, tools, and actionable takeaways so you can make this REAL in your life and start seeing noticeable results right away.Hover

You’ll also get these glittery bonuses to help you SLAY like nobody’s business…
I want your life reboot to be a total 100% certainty. So I’m pulling together the best resources to help you attract more of the good stuff, have loving relationships, and start living like the queen (or king) you’re meant to be.
If you sign up NOW, you’ll get this truckload of bonuses:
Create Your Power Posse ($199 value)
People always ask me how I created such an inspiring circle of editors, entrepreneurs, and other game-changers around me — considering I moved to New York with zero connections! In this bonus, you’ll learn how to feel more comfortable in your own skin to become that irresistible friend everyone wants to be around. You’ll also discover strategies to open yourself up to making new personal connections and spending time cultivating the relationships you already have to build your own power posse.

Become a Manifesting Machine ($199 value)
Ever wonder how some people get so lucky? The job, the partner, the amazing opportunities just seem to fall into their laps, effortlessly. The truth is, there’s a reason certain people are “lucky” and it’s all to do with their thoughts and the energy they’re putting out. Tap into the unbelievable magic behind The Law of Attraction and learn how to manifest what you desire. C’mon, give it a try…what do you have to lose?!

The Charisma Formula ($199 value)
Don’t you just wish you could be the way that you are with your best friends around everyone, ALL the time? It sure would help, right? You’d be more relaxed, at ease, in the moment… and authentically yourself. And do you know what types of people possess these characteristics pretty much wherever they go? The charismatic ones! Would you like some help to stop feeling so self conscious sometimes? I hear you! And so I’ve created The Charisma Formula: 6 Steps to Overcome Shyness, Command Respect and Dazzle Almost Anyone to make YOUR life easier.

Rock Solid Relationships ($199 value)
Love is one of the very best parts of life. (Up there with puppy cuddles and a chilled glass of champagne, of course!) But maintaining a long-term relationship is easier said than done. I consider my marriage with my husband Heath to be my biggest success in life…and we owe it to 5 simple habits. Apply these habits to any relationship — from not-so-great to nauseatingly-in-love — to experience more closeness, admiration, and teamwork.

Bod Romance ($199 value)
You only get one body with you on this crazy life ride. Wouldn’t it be more fun if you LOVED it?! Don’t listen to the media’s insane beauty standards (or your douchebag ex.) Your body is incredible and it’s time to start honoring that. No matter what your shape or size, you can learn to embrace your body — pimples, dimples, and imperfections included. You deserve to feel amazing in your own skin…and you CAN…with this bonus.

Who is Slay Your Year perfect for?
It’s for you if…
You want MORE.
You did all the things they said you “should” do…and it didn’t get you what you thought it would. You want to try something different and start fully living — seeing, tasting, feeling, playing, and enjoying life at a whole new level.
You’re willing to feel fear and move forward anyway.
If you’re afraid — to ask for things, talk to people, make a mistake — that’s nothing new! We all have fears. But you’re ready to swallow your worries and do it anyway, because you know your coolest life is on the other side of that fear.
You like the idea of having training wheels before being pushed out of the nest.
You don’t want someone to hold your hand forever but you definitely need some support and encouragement to create momentum as you step into this higher phase of your life.
You could use a confidence injection (like, yesterday).
A lot of what’s holding you back is a lack of confidence and an inability to make decisions. You desperately want to feel more comfortable with yourself but deep down, you struggle to feel good enough and you constantly second-guess yourself. You probably even think some other people are better than you (newsflash: they’re not).
You love being in charge and maybe you’re even a bit of a control freak right now.
But you realize that it’s making you miserable. You’re ready to stop taking everything so seriously, loosen your grip on life, and be able to enjoy the ride.
You’re NORMAL and like to have fun.
I get it, self-help can be weird sometimes. But not my kind. My tools have won over even the biggest skeptics. If you want proven, practical strategies to improve your life and have a blast while you’re doing it, Slay Your Year is for you!
It’s not for…
Anyone with a severe allergy to woo.
Slay Your Year will ask you to try things you’ve never done before because — duh! — you’re creating a life you’ve never had before! People who say “no” before even trying something because it sounds woo-woo aren’t a good fit.
Pawns over players.
A big part of the program is taking 100% responsibility for the rest of your life. People who make excuses and see themselves as pawns won’t succeed in the course.
Stubborn scaredy cats.
I say that with love because stepping out of your comfort zone is scary! But the truth is, discomfort is the currency of getting what you want. If you’re not willing to feel the fear and do it anyway, you won’t get results.
People who think everything is a big deal.
Relax. Breathe. Laugh! To succeed with this program, you need to be open to chilling out about every little detail and have some perspective about your life. Joy can’t become your natural state if you treat everything like life-or-death.
If you’re ready to say,
“New life, who dis?”
to your old patterns, join slay your year to get $1,500+ in value…
Start living happy, without the hard
Get instant mindset shifts to reframe your reality for a more joyful experience
Get the tools for lifelong satisfaction
Just one tiny thing can have unimaginable ripple effects throughout your life
If you have any questions about Slay Your Year, send us an email! We’re here to help: info@susie-moore.com
Let’s get real. If you’re not happy with your life right now…
I want to give you a signature Susie Moore tough love talk. Because my friend, the fact that you’re looking at a magic internet machine that’s bringing this message to your eyeballs tells me you’re unbelievably blessed. But maybe you just need a reminder… Maybe you need to really take stock of what you’ve got going on and discover all the miracles that have happened and are still happening for you, right now in your life. Maybe you need to hear that life isn’t supposed to be hard all the time. Your natural state is joy and if that isn’t something you feel, something’s gone wrong. Maybe you’re feeling like you’ve been wronged by someone and there’s no way you can be happy because of it. Or maybe you’re dealing with something really, really hard right now and you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. That’s where I come in. To make that light clear. Because none of us know how much time we have left. And if your last day is tomorrow, next week, next year…I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to squander your precious time. Here’s what I know, with every fiber of my being: If you want to — if you choose to — you can recreate your life, from the inside out. You can go from negative to positive. Meek to charismatic. Unsure to confident. Guarded to loving. Timid to adventurous. Uptight to easygoing. Bashful to badass. But you need to make the choice to live differently. You just need to remember who the heck you are. You don’t need more time. You just need to decide. You are the only YOU that there has ever been or will ever be. And you only get one life, one shot to make the most of it. If you’re ready to start living accordingly… I would be honored to show you the way inside Slay Your Year. Let’s do this!
Our 14-Day Guarantee
Try the course for two weeks and if you don’t think it’s for you, just show us that you’ve completed the work and we’ll refund your money.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is Slay Your Year different from similar courses?
I’ve been in this field long enough to know that self-help can sometimes be dry and serious. That’s so not my style.
I’d rather head to Smorgasburg in Brooklyn, where I can choose from dozens of vibrant, spicy, colorful dishes…than a raw food fair full of perfectly-nutritionally-balanced meals. You know what I mean?
I look at life as one big adventure and I wanted a program with tons of energy, excitement, and sparks of joy baked in. I basically created this program for my friends — cool, modern game-changers who don’t like chanting mantras during a 90-minute meditation but still want to enjoy their lives a lot more.
It’s the only life coaching program I know with so much FUN woven in. I believe that champagne is good for the soul and that everything’s better with a generous dollop of whipped cream on top. Slay Your Year you build your dream life while finding so much pleasure in the daily experience, too.
I’m busy, Sus. Will I have enough time for this?
Slay Your Year is designed for the modern world — meaning I know you have a million things on your to-do list! Everyone is so busy that we don’t take time to zoom back the lens and look at the big picture.
That’s why this course is so important.
It’s your opportunity to pause, reflect, and dream. You’ll learn simple shifts you can try immediately to feel calmer, happier, and more confident. It’s your chance to carve out time to create a step-by-step plan to add more fun, love, and enjoyment into your life, every day.
Most people never see the bigger picture of their life. But we’re not like most people! When you join Slay Your Year, you’re choosing not to be like everyone else. Instead, you’re making a commitment to your life and your happiness.
Our classes are an hour-ish long for four weeks in January. You can also ask me anything over 2 coaching calls. That’s it! I’m all about the tough love and I know you can find a few hours to devote to changing your life. We make time for the things that matter to us. And I really hope this matters to you! We only get one life and it deserves our intention.
I love the sound of the course but this is a really bad time for me. Can I buy now and watch later?
Of course! Look, I don’t care how you learn this content. I just want you to learn it! And if you want to take advantage of the current price and bonuses (this is the lowest price the program will ever be!) you can join now and learn later. When you join Slay Your Year…
You get lifetime access to the program materials. You can join us live, binge-watch all the lessons in a day, or squeeze in a few minutes between soccer games and dance recitals. I’m all about making it work for you!
But you won’t get any results if you don’t take action. So I recommend that even if you can’t join us right away, you make some time in your calendar to watch the videos and go through the exercises. My most successful clients commit to showing up… even if it’s late! I’ve got you.
Earnings Disclaimer
I don’t believe in